Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hold your ground

The earth is a hardened place. The power and beauty of youth are appreciated only by the nostalgic masses who've lost it, or by those who whore the subliminal pedophillia of being forever young. We grit our teeth to survive the existential warzone that life has become. We smile and laugh at the pain of others, without a conscience to hold us accountable. It's not happening to us, so why should we care, right? We should all be ashamed. We don't know what people hide. We don't know how much hurt people swallow everyday, how many lies we tell to ourselves and others so that we can pretend we might fit the societal facade of normalcy. We divide ourselves based on our anger at one another. We break the natural laws of life, and we substitute our own epitome of "Only the Strong survive,".

Some of you don't know how much it hurts to bear your own faults in secret, what it feels like to those of us who, for one reason or another, can't hold our own in life. What's worse, many of you don't care. How calloused of us, as fellow humans, to let our brothers and sisters poison themselves while we critique them on the sidelines, making reality television shows, showcasing their pain and shortcomings. We televise pain. We televise hate and anger and sadness. It gets ratings, and it makes money.

We demoralize ourselves. We justify it. We broadcast the world's hate and take a moral high ground. Do you think about how many people you've hurt? Do the proverbial skeletons in your closet not weigh on your mind? The ghosts that follow us all are ashamed of the world we're allowing to pass.

What's the point of it? There isn't one. We make one up. We are the most perfect creatures on this planet. We aren't at fault, right?

It's time we stopped being angry and separating from one another. The anger won't just go away, and it's going to eat at us until we're dead, and the rest of the world continues on over-top of our graves. We need to start working together. Harness your anger. Instead of focusing on who you're angry at and why, try working with one another because you're all angry. Nothing is going to change if you don't do something. So be angry. Fight. Break down your walls and glass ceilings. But do it together. Let's take a stand for something. Make some of our social martyrs worth something more.

I'm no authority. I have no sway on your minds. More than that, I don't want to. I don't want my words to move you. I don't want my pitiful attempts at moral redemption to be your motivation. I want YOU to move you. I want you all to go out tomorrow and work hard. Be happy about something. Be you, the whole you, and only you. Because you are awesome. You all deserve a hug, a pat on the back, a smile and a handshake once in a while. Someone needs to tell you all that you're doing ok, that it's all going to be ok. You deserve it all and more. We all deserve the right to sleep at night without crying or hurting. Somebody needs to tell you that the nightmares will pass. You deserve all the love in the world. You deserve the simple need to lay down at night and know that someone out here loves you. I do. I love you, though I've never met you. You have my shoulder, should you need one to cry on. You have my hand, should you need one to hold. You have all the light I can muster, should the dark become too much to bear. If there's anything I can do, I won't let the darkness swallow you. Take my hand. We'll get through it together.

So grit your teeth. Walk forward into the dawn, with your head held as high as you can hold it. The darkness in our lives can only be beaten by walking together, hand in hand, forward to a new day.

Write an anonymous letter to someone.

Shake someone's hand.

Start a nice conversation, and don't let your personal views get in the way.

Go as far as you can just to make someone feel good.

Nobody but you knows for sure if you just need a hug once in a while, so go hug someone. Let them vent. Let them be angry. Let them cry and help them be strong. You never know who needs a hand most.

So don't let yourself circle the drain. Don't let anyone you know circle the drain. We're all in this together, and it's time we started fighting for a day we will all be equal. Fight. Even if you're the only one. Fight. Because you will be the only one. Fight. To your dying breath, FIGHT. Hard. I'll stand beside you.

Think what you will of me. I'm a loser. I'm a whiny shit head. I'm an ass hole with no life. Nobody likes me. I'm a complaining bitch and my depressive nature is just another laughing point as you pass me by in life. I don't care what you think. If you can't step off your high horse to see if people like me are ok, to help ensure that I'll see tomorrow too, then you're what's wrong with the world. I'm not as strong as you. And believe me, I'm ashamed of it. But I hold no fault for it, and I don't fault you for feeling like that about me. Some people just won't be as strong as you are, so laugh and walk past. If you never see or hear of me again, you'll know I didn't make it. But remember this: You could have done something. You could have helped me out, and nobody would've known but you and me. You could have given me a smile that may have helped me live another day. And you could have moved on like it never happened. You don't know me. You don't know what I've seen or done or been through. You don't know how I think. And you never will.

The world is a hardened place. Life isn't fair. But that doesn't mean WE have to be the same.

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